I had tried the 三层糕previously, and it was quite a good attempt. The kueh was really tasty.
Nat loves it as well and she had asked me to make the 九层糕.
I decided to take up this challenge:-p
It was rather easy to make these九层糕, no fuss at all, but it's just that I have to divide the batter into 9 portions.
I have half the amount of the recipe, and used a rectangular tin inside of a 11"x11" square tin as recommended.
If you might have noticed..., my九层糕is actually 8 colors instead of 9 colors...
A couple of reasons actually:
1. I have half the recipe.
2. I had use a slight bigger rectangular tin, thus my portion wasn't enough.
3. I had lost count of my colors... :-p
And also, I had left out orange color, plus I couldn't get the RED RED color as those 九层糕 that was been sold outside... So that why my top layer was orange, instead of RED....
I thought I had everything controlled, dividing the portion into 9 portions... But I was so wrong.... And also I had also forgot the colors I had already poured in...
Blur Blur Blur me.... hehehehehe....
It was almost the same as the 三层糕,but just that the layers can be peeled off:-D
Here is the recipe:
600g fine sugar (I used 500g)
1 litre coconut milk
1 litre water
1 tsp sea-salt
few pieces of pandan leaves
350g rice flour
350g tapioca flour
1. Mix fine sugar, coconut milk, water, salt, pandan leaves and bring to boil at low heat till sugar dissolved. Discard the pandan leaves, turn off the flame & allow to cool slightly.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix the rice flour & tapioca flour. Then add the coconut milk mixture, whisk slightly till well blended.
3. Divide batter into 9 portions. Ready to steam layer by layer, by adding in desired colors into each layer such as white, green, yellow, pink, blue, orange, with the final top layer red.
I will be submitting this to : Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker
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