Ain't these Angry Bird cookies cute????
I send the picture to my friend and she said these anrgy birds are sooo cute.
"Are the edible? They look like soft toys!!", she said.
Here the pre-baked of angry birds.

Alot of effort as I needed to mould the shape of the birds, and I really think I need alot of patience doing these!!!! So let's see if my patience fails me or I succeeded...:))

The freshly baked Angry Birds!!!!
The girls were very excited. Nic kept asking me if the Angry Bird Cookies were ready and that she cant wait to try them!!!

I had posted some pictures of my Angry Bird Cookies in my FB and I received some feedback from my friends that these birds do really look so CUTE!!!!

My girlfriend had even wanted to come over to my house to take a look at these birds. Her son & herself loved it very much!!! So they came over and they tried the cookies.... Both of them said these cookies were yummy!!!!

Nic, trying the 1st Angry Bird Cookies....
"How was it JieJie, is it yummy?", I asked....
Needless to type they reply.... Look for her answer in her picture below:-p
And not forgeting, Nic helped out with the preparation:)) Thanks Nic:-D

MiMi, she was rather hesitant to try it, she SMELT it.... Perhaps it reminded her of the birds she saw this morning???? HAHAHA!!!!

And please do pardon me for the lots of pictures posted.... I thought, I must take more pictures as it might be my very 1st attempt and last attempt to bake thses cookies????

More freshly baked Angry Birds and A Snake....

I brought some Angry Bird Cookies to the office for some of my colleagues, and they said it was very nice... 2 of them decided not to eat them as they said it looked too cute to be eaten... LOL..
So after all, my patience didn't failed me, and my effort was well paid off!!!
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